So here I am, single and with a child, I'm also the guy so I'm the odd one out at the parenting meetings here. My ex bailed on us after she had the child for reasons i'll probably never know.

This blog will be about the things Ive learned first hand from raising my child, Kristian. I make this public so other people can read it too.

If you have any resources to places that can help any single parents out there, please post your comment I would really appreciate it!

I have to give it out there to all the single mum's out there, 

ever since I got kristian I never knew how tough this stuff is, being responsible for another human being. Listen to people who say being a housewife is a fulltime job! 

I watched pursuit of happyness last night, and it really made me think - if will smith can do it, so can i!  Jobs & careers can come and go, but not your own flesh and blood.

3 Important things to always keep in mind:

1. Always show your love
As a single parent you need to give twice the amount of love as regular parents. Affection is so so important to anyones well being, take time out just to spend time with your child, encourage their interests, ask them questions about their thoughts, get them to express themselves.

2. Make things fun!
Your going to have to take on more responsibilities - and your not superman/woman so naturally your child is going to have to be more responsible than his/her friends. Turn responsibilities and learning into a game. I played 'light sabers' (nothing kinky!) with kristian when he first learned how to goto the toilet standing up. (he loves starwars) We made the lightsaber noise when we crossed streams!

3. Don't start relationships too soon!
You need to be stable, and if you cant be stable on your own, getting a partner to lean on can be a dangerous mix. If you break up - your child will learn that switching partners like underpants is a good thing, also your emotions will be up and down and will affect your childs development.

Im currently reading:

I want kristian to be a smart boy so when hes older he can look after his old man ;)

I'm using this book to teach my boy some morals, im also getting him to watch some of my favourite disney classics and moral cartoons.

Oh and this site gives you some great ideas and tools to be the best parent

If you have any other resources or idea's, please comment I need as much help as possible

Kristian had some problems when he first arrived, everything was new and a little scary for him,
I didnt want to change nappies and I wanted him to feel a real sense of accomplishment, this book Potty Training in 1 to 3 days really helped me and boosted Kristians self esteem

Keep kids from being a at-home terrorist and get them to behave perfectly I used the techinques from the better behaviour wheel with Kristian and I've seen some great improvements.

When Kristian moved here he slept in my room and was always tired because he couldnt sleep,
I bought a few books on this, but i have to admit the only one that did anything was sleepytime secrets

I'd appreciate any comments just so I can be the best dad